Please help support Turning Point, the amazing work they do, and services they offer by buying Avon. As a survivor, Judy Armstrong is very passionate about her support. 25 percent of the profits of this fundraiser will be donated to Turning Point to help provide programs and resources that enable victims/survivors of domestic violence and ... Read more
On December 3, 2019, hHelp Turning Point continue to provide programs and resources that enable victims/survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Create a Facebook Fundraiser Funds donated through a Facebook Fundraiser on #GivingTuesday, up to 2 million dollars for non-profits, will be matched by the Gates Foundation. Mail a donation t PO Box 1123, ... Read more
Have dinner at Detroit Taco Company and help support Truning Point. Mention Turning Point on Monday, December 23, 2019 and 20% of the proceeds from every meal you order will go to Turning Point.