Community/Prevention Education
Domestic violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking are community issues. Our presentations focus on raising awareness and understanding, ways to support survivors, create healthy relationships, and end violence in our communities. Community education services are available to organizations, professional audiences, faith-based communities, school staff, parents, and other community groups. We also offer prevention education programs to educate middle and high school students on consent, healthy relationships, dating violence, and human trafficking through one and two-day classroom presentations.
To request a presentation from our menu below, click here or call 586-868-4547.
- Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, and Human Trafficking
- Turning Point Programs
- Talking to Youth
- Prevention Education – Middle School
- Prevention Education – High School
Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, and Human Trafficking

An Empowerment Approach to Human Trafficking
Duration: 1 hour, 90 minutes, or 3 hours
Intended Audience: Community members
Description: People who have been trafficked for sex or labor have experienced exploitation similar to survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Turning Point’s empowerment approach to serving survivors for the past 42 years offers a way forward for understanding human trafficking that asks everyone in our communities to play a role. Participants will leave with an understanding of human trafficking, knowledge about Turning Point’s programming, and clarity about what they can do to make a difference.
Community Collaboration and Advocacy
Duration: 2 hours
Intended Audience: Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) students
Description: Sexual violence impacts survivors, their loved ones, and the community. One way to support the survivor in their healing is to provide a collaborative response both pre and post-assault. This presentation will provide an overview of offender tactics, bystander intervention, advocate roles, as well as benefits and barriers of a collaborative community response. This includes survivor-centered, trauma-informed, advocacy-based ways to support survivors and provide resources. Discussion about the mission and purpose of a Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) will be included.
Consent Culture
Duration: 1 hour
Intended Audience: Community members
Description In order to create happier, healthier relationships and prevent violence, we need to expand our knowledge of consent beyond sexual encounters. We will examine the concept of consent as a cultural norm with practical examples and skill development. Participants can expect to deepen their knowledge of consent and walk away with strategies to create a consent culture.
Consent Culture and Sexual Violence
Duration: 90 minutes
Intended Audience: Community members
Description: While consent is critical in sexual encounters, we also need to expand our knowledge of consent to create happier, healthier relationships and prevent violence. We will examine the concept of consent as a cultural norm with practical examples and skill development. Participants can expect to deepen their knowledge of consent and sexual violence and walk away with strategies to create a consent culture and prevent sexual violence. This includes survivor-centered, trauma-informed, advocacy-based ways to support survivors and provide resources.
Healthy Relationships
Duration: 1 hour
Intended Audience: Community members
Description: Understanding healthy relationships can help people make informed decisions about their partners and relationships. Turning Point staff will introduce skills to building healthy relationships. Participants will be able to identify types of boundaries that exist and how they inform our expectations about relationships.
Non-fatal Strangulation
Duration: 1 hour
Intended Audience: Community members
Description: Strangulation is one of the most lethal forms of domestic violence. There are many myths and misunderstandings surrounding non-fatal strangulation. Participants will be able to break down these myths, learn about potential medical consequences of non-fatal strangulation, understand the lethality risk associated with non-fatal strangulation, and how to access services in our community to support survivors.
Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence
Duration: 45 minutes, 1 hour, 90 minutes, or 3 hours
Intended Audience: Community members
Description: Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior in which one intimate partner seeks to establish and maintain power and control over their partner. This training will provide education about the dynamics of domestic violence, types of abuse, and power and control tactics abusers may use. Participants will gain a greater understanding of the impacts of domestic violence on survivors, their loved ones, and the community. This includes survivor-centered, trauma-informed, advocacy-based ways to support survivors and provide resources. Participants leave with knowledge of Turning Point services and ways to get involved.
Sexual Violence: What to Know
Duration: 45 minutes, 1 hour, 90 minutes, 3 hours
Intended Audience: Community members, Law enforcement and/or chaplains (90 minutes only)
Description: Sexual violence is a term used to describe any sexual contact without a person’s consent. While sexual violence continues to affect the lives of many, there are still many myths about what it is and how to help. This presentation will define sexual violence and explain how society can impact the ways we interact with survivors. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of consent and what it means to create a culture of consent. This includes survivor-centered, trauma-informed, advocacy-based ways to support survivors and provide resources. Participants leave with knowledge of Turning Point services and ways to get involved.
Turning Point Programs

Turning Point’s Scope of Services
Duration: 1 hour
Intended Audience: Community members
Description: Since 1980, Turning Point has been actively engaging communities in our mission to keep everyone safe from domestic and sexual violence, help them heal from its effects, and address the root causes of abuse. Join us to learn about the free, comprehensive services Turning Point offers and how to make referrals to each program. Participants will leave the presentation more familiar with how Turning Point’s survivor-centered, trauma-informed, advocacy-based programs impact survivors, their loved ones, and the community.
Turning Point’s Forensic Nurse Examiner Program and First Response Advocacy
Duration: 1 hour
Intended Audience: Community members, law enforcement or healthcare professionals
Description: Turning Point’s Forensic Nurse and Advocacy Program provides patient centered, trauma-informed care and is a vital component of a coordinated community response to domestic and sexual violence. Thousands of patients have received services by specially trained nurses and advocates that promote health and healing. The program supports survivors’ decisions through a wide variety of services, which can include the collection and preservation of evidence and injury documentation that has been shown to assist the pursuit of justice within the legal system.
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)
Duration: 1 hour
Intended Audience: Community members and organizations
Description: The Sexual Assault Response Team is a survivor-centered, offender-focused multidisciplinary stakeholder group that comes together to identify the gaps in various systems. The team works to create safer communities including better ways to support survivors and to hold offenders accountable. This presentation will provide additional information about SART, including the function and purpose of the team.
Talking to Youth

Consent Culture: How to Talk to Kids About Consent
Duration: 90 minutes
Intended Audience: Adults who care for and/or work with children (E.G. parents, guardians, school staff)
Description: To create happier, healthier relationships and prevent violence, we need to expand our knowledge of consent. When children learn about consent in age appropriate ways, it becomes a standard in their lives. We will examine the concept of consent as a cultural norm with practical examples for talking to children about consent. Participants can expect to deepen their knowledge of consent and walk away with strategies to create a consent culture that includes children.
Supporting Youth: Empowering Conversations About Consent and Sexual Violence
Duration: 1 hour
Intended Audience: Adults who care for and/or work with children (E.G. parents, guardians, school staff)
Description: This training will define different forms of consent and sexual violence. Participants will learn ways to talk to youth in their lives about consent as well as sexual experiences they may have, whether they are safe or equitable, and what to do if they are not. Participants will also learn skills to support youth that they suspect have experienced sexual violence and ways to respond to disclosures.
Supporting Youth: Empowering Conversations About Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
Duration: 1 hour
Intended Audience: Adults who care for and/or work with children (E.G. parents, guardians, school staff)
Description: This training will give participants tools to talk to youth in their lives about relationships that they are in, whether they are safe or equitable, and what to do if they are not. Participants will also learn skills to support youth they suspect are being abused and ways to respond to disclosures.
Prevention Education – Middle School Students

Consent 101
Duration: 45 minutes (1 – day)
Intended Audience: Middle school students
Description: In order to create happier, healthier relationships and prevent violence, we need to expand our knowledge of consent. Students will have a deeper understanding of consent and its characteristics. Turning Point staff will introduce sexual harassment and its forms. Students will learn how to provide support and be active bystanders. Turning Point staff will inform students of their options and explain what to do if they’re being harassed.
Gender Respect
Duration: 45 minutes (2 – day)
Intended Audience: Middle school and high school students
Description: Traditional binary gender roles normalize violence and contribute to an unequal balance of power. Turning Point staff will provide examples from the media to educate students on the impact media sends about gender roles and how this relates to domestic and sexual violence. Participants will become more aware of the role they play in combatting these messages.
Healthy Relationships
Duration: 45 minutes (1 – day)
Intended Audience: Middle school students
Description: During adolescent years, youth are thinking about and forming romantic relationships. Understanding healthy relationships early on can help youth make informed decisions about their partners. Turning Point staff will introduce skills to building healthy relationships. Students will be able to identify types of boundaries that exist and how they inform our expectations of relationships. Students will leave the presentation with tools for responding to conflict.
Prevention Education – High School Students

Breaking the Silence
Duration: 45 minutes (1 – day) or 90 minutes (2 – day)
Intended Audience: High school students
Description: Every 68 seconds a person in the United States is sexually assaulted. While sexual violence affects the lives of many, there are still many myths about what it is and how to help. This presentation will help students gain a deeper understanding of sexual violence. Students will learn about rape culture and the impact of active bystanders, leaving the presentation with tools to provide support and offer resources.
Dating Secrets
Duration: 45 minutes (1 – day) or 90 minutes (2 – day)
Intended Audience: High school students
Description: Teen dating violence, also referred to as “dating violence,” occurs between the ages of 12–18 years old. Students will learn about relationships and participate in an activity to learn more about elements of a healthy compared to unhealthy relationship and tactics abusers use to control their partners. The presentation will include facts about teen dating violence, survivors, and abusers. Students will be able to identify types of boundaries that exist and how they inform our expectations of relationships. Turning Point staff will educate students on resources available to survivors and how to provide support.
Gender Respect
Duration: 45 minutes (2 – day)
Intended Audience: Middle school and high school students
Description: Traditional binary gender roles normalize violence and contribute to an unequal balance of power. Turning Point staff will provide examples from the media to educate students on the impact media sends about gender roles and how this relates to domestic and sexual violence. Participants will become more aware of the role they play in combatting these messages.