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Systems Change

Turning Point advocates for community action to end violence and oppression. Our advocacy includes participating in community committees, partnering with survivors to shape public policy, and collaborating with partners in law enforcement, health care, civil and criminal court, and service organizations to improve supports for survivors and increase offender accountability.

For more information, or to get involved, call 586-463-4430.

Our systems change work includes:

  • Provide training, policy development and organizational support to community partners looking to improve their responses to survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking.
  • Advocate for policy change and civic engagement to increase survivors’ rights and voice in legislation.
  • Facilitate multidisciplinary teams to develop coordinated community responses that center victim/survivor needs and hold offenders accountable. Teams include, but are not limited to, our Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) in Macomb and St. Clair Counties and the Macomb Lethality Team. 
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