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Developing a Safety Plan

You and your children are not responsible for violent acts committed against you. Domestic violence is dangerous and while violent acts can be unpredictable, there are some things you can do that may reduce you and your children’s risk of being harmed. Click below for more information.

  • Safety During a Violent Incident
    1. When an argument begins, try to move to a room or area that has access to an exit. Avoid a bathroom, kitchen, or anywhere near weapons
    2. Practice how to get out of your home
    3. Devise a signal or code word to use with your family, friends, and neighbors when you need them to call the police (let them know if possible if there are guns in the home)
    4. Use your own instincts and judgment. You have the right to protect yourself.
  • Safety When Preparing To Leave  |  Can be Most Dangerous Time
    1. Open a savings account in your own name to start to establish or increase your independence if possible.
    2. Have a packed bag ready and keep it in a secret place that is easy to reach.
    3. Leave money, an extra set of keys, copies of important documents and extra clothes with someone you trust.
    4. Keep the shelter phone number close at hand, or better yet, memorize it, and keep some change or a calling card on you at all times for emergency phone calls.
    5. If you use a computer, use one at a library for confidentiality or erase any internet history (learn how HERE).
    6. If you leave, bring with you if you can birth certificates, social security cards, green card and other immigration documents, heath records, benefit card.
  • Safety In Your Own Home
    1. Change the locks on your doors as soon as possible. Buy additional locks and safety devices to secure your windows.
    2. Inform neighbors and landlord that your partner no longer lives with you and that they should call the police if they see him near your home.
    3. Change your phone number.
    4. If you are able save all messages with threats.
  • Tech Safety
    For more information please visit techsafety.org
  • Safety and Your Children
    1. Discuss a safety plan with your children for when you are not with them, Give them a code word.
    2. Teach them not to get into a middle of a fight even though they want to help.
    3. Inform your children’s school, day care, etc., about who has permission to pick up your children, Give them a picture of the abuser if possible.
  • Safety With A Personal Protection Order (PPO)
    1. Keep your PPO with you at all times.
    2. Call the police if your partner violates the PPO.
    3. Think of alternative ways to keep safe if the police do not respond right away.
    4. Inform your family, friends, work and neighbors that you have a PPO in effect.
    5. Notify and give a copy of your PPO to your child’s school and day care provider.
  • Safety On The Job and In Public
    1. Decide who at work you will inform of your situation (This should include office and building security).
    2. Arrange to have someone screen your telephone calls if possible.
    3. Devise a Safety Plan for when you leave work, Have someone escort you to your car or bus (Use a variety of routes to go home if possible).
    4. Cell phones are all equipped to dial 911, even if they are not activated Turning Point can assist you with obtaining a free phone.
  • Your Safety and Emotional Health
    Consider attending a support group to gain support from others and to learn more about yourself and the relationship.
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