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Personal Protection Order and Legal Advocacy

Turning Point staff assist the survivors of sexual assault or intimate partner violence with Personal Protection Order (PPO) forms, motions, and e-filing. We also have Legal Advocates available to support survivors through the legal process.

  • The Personal Protection Order Office is located in the 16th Circuit Court (40 North Main, Mount Clemens) and is open Monday-Friday 8:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm. To speak with the Personal Protection Order Office staff please call 586-465-9161.
  • You do not need a police report to file a PPO. 
  • PPO’s are person to person (you cannot file against a group or unnamed individual), and are public record. 
  • Legal advocates are not attorneys but are well versed in the legal system and victim’s rights, and provide support by appointment only. To speak with a legal advocate please call 586-868-4567. 
  • Going to court can be an overwhelming and stressful time for survivors; we can provide survivors with advocacy throughout the legal process, as well as accompany survivors in court.
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