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For Teens

Turning Point understands the unique needs of teens that experience domestic and sexual violence. Below you can find links to Teen Websites on various topics of interest.

  • Dating and Domestic Violence

    Love is Respect: National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline. Facts, and resources on abuse and a one-on-one online live chat with a crisis advocate.

    National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center

    Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project

    TEAR: Founded by teens with the mission to prevent dating abuse through education and offers information about abuse

  • Sexual Assault

    Rape Abuse and Incest National Network: Provides facts, statistics, information about how to get help, and how to help a friend,

    National Center for Victims of Crime: Information on sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, and stalking,

    Project Respect: Provides facts, information on how to get help, help a friend, and speak out against sexual violence.

    Men Can Stop Rape: Entire website devoted to guys and what they can do to stop rape

    NOMSV (National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization): a non-profit dedicated to healing male survivors of sexual abuse

    Support for Men: Information, support, and resources for male survivors of sexual abuse and their friends and family

  • Other Valuable Websites

    Online Image Removal: Guide to removing stolen images. A nasty by-product of an unhealthy relationship, particularly a teen relationship, can be personal or explicit photos/videos. The focus of the guide is to provide practical advice for anyone facing this scenario. This site helps dozens of victims identify who hosts their images and to file DMCA takedown notices using their free tools.

    Scarleteen: Sexual health information for teens and young adults.

    Affirmations: Our focus is on helping GLBTQ individuals find and develop community where they value and respect themselves and others.

    Sex etc... Honest and accurate sex ed by teens, for teens.

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