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100 Men Challenge

Join the 100 Men Challenge and pledge to:
  • Stand up against domestic and sexual violence
    On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States—more than 12 million women and men over the course of a year
    —Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Raise/donate $100 to Turning Point by August 3, 2019
  • Challenge other men to stand up against domestic and sexual violence.
  • Share your message and challenge other men in your circle, maximize your voice via social media.

Let’s invest in a future free of violence! Together we can make a difference, we can be the change. —Orvie Baker, 100 Men Challenger & Turning Point Partner

Hear from last year’s Challengers:

Donate and help us today:

Your donation will help Turning Point continue to offer legal, medical and life supporting programs to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. The following examples are just a some of the ways your generosity will help.
Donate Today!

Bus Tickets
Help a survivor get to an appointment or job interview!

Welcome Bag
Welcome a child entering shelter with their very own blanket, toy and stuffed animal.

A Night of Shelter
Help support the Shelter and a survivor fleeing a violent situation.

Day of Court Advocacy
Support a survivor as they navigate their way through court and the legal system.

Emergency Forensic Exam
Your support can provide survivors with a private space to receive specialized forensic medical care, which may include evidence collection and advocacy.

Shelter Meals
Feeding 52 people for a month averages about $1500 after community donations. 

Prevention Education
Educate the youth of our community on the importance of consent and healthy relationships. Violence is preventable!

Counseling Services 
Provide crisis intervention, safety planning and support services, for survivors of domestic and sexual violence as they work to regain control over their lives.

Now Hiring!