Turning Point is grateful to our community and donors for their support of our mission and survivors. Donations are a vital piece of our agency budget, giving us the ability to be agile and responsive to emerging survivor needs.
- 90 cents of every dollar donated goes directly to programming to support survivors.
- All Turning Point services are free. Donations assist in assuring that finances are never a barrier to a survivor seeking safety and support.
- There are many ways to give and support Turning Point, such as event sponsorships, gift cards, and wish list items. For our current list of needs please contact us at info@turningpointmacomb.org
- Every donation makes a difference; no donation is too small to make an impact.
- Your contribution is tax deductible as permitted by law.

Mail Your Donation:
Turning Point, Inc.
P.O. Box 1123
Mt. Clemens, MI 48046
Other ways you can support Turning Point:
Legacy Giving
When you make a legacy gift to Turning Point you:
- Provide us with solid financial footing
- Help us plan for the future with confidence
- Ensure we can continue empowering survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence and human trafficking
There are several ways you can make a legacy gift to Turning Point, some of which offer you benefits in return. Some popular gifts include:
- Giving a gift in your will or living trust. This gift cost you nothing today and is easy to change as needed.
- Naming Turning Point as a beneficiary of your retirement plan assets. A simple form is all that’s needed to make this gift.
- Donating appreciated stock. When you give stock that is worth more now than when you bought it, you can avoid capital gains tax.
Please work with your financial advisor, estate planner or attorney to plan your legacy gift.
Stocks, Bequests and Insurance
Donors may designate Turning Point as a beneficiary in their wills and/or as the beneficiary of their life insurance policies. For more information pleas contact us at 586.868.4524.
Gift Cards
- Gift cards empower Turning Point to meet and support all survivor needs, all year long.
- Gift cards offer dignity to survivors as they rebuild their lives by providing the opportunity for them to choose the items that are most needed.
- Top gift card needs include Visa, gas cards, Meijer, Kroger, Lowes, Home Depot, Target, and Staples.
- Gift cards help survivors overcome barriers related to transportation, medical care, education and safety.
In-Kind Donations (New Items)
- Only new unused items are provided to survivors in our shelter and housing program. (i.e. new unworn clothing, new toiletries, new towels and sheets, etc.) For our current list of needs please contact us at info@turninpointmacomb.org
In-Kind Donations (Gently Used Items)
- Gently used and worn items can be donated to Turning Point’s Second Hand Rose (SHR) resale shop.
- We provide vouchers to survivors to get the items they need for free at Second Hand Rose. The store is also open to the public with all proceeds benefiting Turning Point’s survivor services.
- Learn more about Second Hand Rose here.
Host a Third Party Event
Please consider hosting a fundraiser for Turning Point. A third party fundraiser is a company, organization, or individual that wishes to hold a promotion, event, or sale to benefit Turning Point. For more information, contact us at 586.868.4524.
Matching Gifts
Many employers will match gifts their employees make to Turning Point. Check with your employer to see if they are a matching gift company. It’s as simple as mailing in a completed form with your gift to Turning Point. We will do the rest.
Amazon Wish List
Kroger Rewards

Have you made Turning Point your charity to donate to just by shopping at Kroger?!
Visit: krogercommunityrewards.com
- Click on Sign In / Register – If you don’t have an account you will be asked to sign-up under the “New Customer” box and follow the instructions
- Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to teh next step
- Click on “Edit Kroger Community Rewards” information and input your Kroger Plus Card
- Update your information and enter NPO Number BE967 to select Turning Point as your charity
Once you’ve designated Turning Point as your charity of choice, each time you use your Kroger card a portion of the total sales will be donated back to Turning Point!